Wallace Taylor Realty is committed to helping you make one of the most financially significant decisions in your life a success. We uphold a standard of excellence and service unparalleled in today’s ever-changing real estate industry. Our dedicated real estate professionals work together to ensure your success. Our client base is 90% referral.

We pride ourselves in our client’s success stories and commit to building personalized relationships and strategies with each.

We are a boutique Real Estate Brokerage in Toronto operating within the top 1% of the city and based out of Yorkville. We work with a vast array of residential real estate clients as well as large institutional industrial investors.

Why choose Wallace Taylor?

300+ Clients

Over $56 Million sales in 2021

We sell your home 27% faster than TREB average

Recent Transactions

185 Waverley Rd, Toronto

805-120 Lombard St, Toronto

1 Scott Street, Toronto

138 Princess St, Toronto

23 Brant St, Toronto

193 Perth Ave, Toronto

3451 Liptay Ave, Oakville

4 Maple Ave, Toronto

109 Hastings Ave, Toronto

525 Strathmore Blvd, Toronto

Office Locations

We welcome you to contact us for more information about any of our services.

Toronto Central Office

888 Yonge Street Toronto,
ON M4W 2J2
(416) 461-0686